The registration includes access to the PRE-MEETING: DIABETIC BONE DISEASES on 21 August


Poster Prizes (2 poster prizes at DKK 2,500.00)

This will be given to the best posters presented at the meeting based on evaluation from the scientific board of the society. To be eligible for poster prize the presenting author should be graduate student, Phd student or post-doctoral scientist.

Travel Grant (3 travel grants at DKK 5,000.00)

Will be offered to the abstracts with the highest score based on evaluation of the scientific board of the society. To be eligible for travel grants the presenting author should be graduate student, Phd student or post-doctoral scientist.

Oral presentation prize (EUR 300)

The International BMAS (Bone Marrow Adiposity Society) is offering 300€ for the best oral presentation by a junior scientist (a PhD student or postdoc within 3 years of PhD graduation).

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